Deborah Carr | Deborah Carr, Freelance Writer & Author
Deborah Carr is a professional freelance writer, who creates website and print copy, media releases, brochures, bios and profiles or large and small businesses, marketing agencies, health authorities, government, volunteer groups, and non-profit organizations.
Professional writing services, business writing, company profiles
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Let's see how we fit together

Professional Bio

Deborah Carr

Freelance Writer ~ Writing Coach ~ Photographer ~ Speaker

ello! I’m a professional freelance writer with articles, features and photos published in newspapers, magazines and other special publications across the country and beyond. (I’ve even won an award or two, which is a wee boost to the ego, as well as the recognition of hard work.) I’m also a photographer, public speaker and workshop leader. It all goes hand-in-hand with the writing life. Writers have to be a jack of all trades.

For the business and non-profit community, I lend my creative talents to website and print copy, media releases, brochures, bios and more. I’ve written for large and small businesses, marketing agencies, health authorities, government, volunteer groups, and non-profit organizations, in areas related to health and well-being, social justice, community development, nature and conservation. (see client list)

Before shifting to a writing career, I spent 17 years working within the federal government. Since then, I’ve also worked two terms for the creative team at Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency as a Senior Communications Officer.

I’ve written for Saltscapes, Outdoor Canada, Nature Canada, Wildlife Canada, Atlantic Salmon Journal, Atlantic Business Magazine, 50 Plus, Homemakers, Acreage Life, Progress, Atlantic Travel Guide, Atlantic Books Today, Occasions, and Islands among others.

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I’ve been privileged to work with a wide variety of clients. Many of them inspire me with dedication to their craft or industry and with each project or task, I learn something new. This is one of the greatest joys and perks of pursuing my dream job! I get to meet the most fascinating people and learn so much about the world.